
Leverage WordHero’s AI technology to craft original and unique blog posts, social media content, emails, and more in mere seconds. Say hello to content that resonates with the demands of your target market.


Quicklines automatically creates personalized ice breakers to inject inside cold emails. Upload a CSV, wait 3 minutes, and receive the sheet with lines written. Put those lines into the first sentence of cold emails, and watch your responses increase 3x-7x.


Instantly helps you generate more replies & more revenue. Scale your outreach campaigns through unlimited email sending accounts, unlimited warmups, and smart AI.

ChatGPT Writer

Free Chrome extension that uses ChatGPT AI to generate emails or replies based on a few keywords you input. Currently supported for Gmail. Supports all popular languages, simply mention it in the text prompt.


Automated cold email outreach, written by GPT. With Robin AI, you can easily and effectively reach out to leads, conduct research, and handle initial outreach – all without the need for a human sales associate.


AI powered email inbox. Claims to automatically sort important email based on behavioral patterns, allows you to set reminders and holds you to them. Adds open rate tracker + undo send feature.


Rytr is an AI writing assistant that helps you create high-quality content, in just a few seconds, at a fraction of the cost!


Write high-converting emails, 10x faster. Save countless hours writing. Use AI to generate powerful copy for hundreds of different email marketing campaigns, drips, newsletters and more.


Regie helps sales, marketing, and success teams write engaging content faster using AI


ParagraphAI is an AI Writing App that writes clear, concise, and error-free content.