Humata AI

Discover a chatbot that’s not just smart, but ingenious in managing and comprehending your files with unparalleled efficiency. Thanks to Humata an AI-driven marvel that elevates your file storage and management, propelling you into a new era of organizational excellence.

Ferret’s unparalleled AI app, combined with world class information, provides you with exclusive relationship intelligence that can help you avoid high-risk individuals and spot promising opportunities.
Darrow AI

Darrow’s AI-Powered Justice Intelligence Platform scans real world data to detect harmful events, determine the number of victims, predict the legislative outcome, and assess the financial value of a case. Top litigators partner with Darrow to access high-value, meritorious cases.

Generative AI for Intellectual Property. Automate mechanical writing in your patent applications.
Legalese Decoder

Simplify Everyday Jargons & Legalese Instantly: Designed to take a legal document as input and output a version of the document that is written in plain language.

The World’s First Robot Lawyer. The DoNotPay app is the home of the world’s first robot lawyer. Fight corporations, beat bureaucracy and sue anyone at the press of a button.